United States

Updated: 2020-05-09

Data from The COVID Tracking Project


Cases: 1,301,095

Deaths: 73,291

Tested: 8,712,684


Regional map

Data source rating

Our data transparency rating is based on the granularity, completeness, and technical format of this data source.

  • A+

    Curated by The COVID Tracking Project

    Data from covidtracking.com

    ✅ Published as: JSON
    ❌ Non-timeseries dataset
    ✅ Aggregates many localities in a single source
    ✅ Site uses SSL
    ✅ Site does not require JavaScript
    ❌ Non-granular: state-level data
  • Cross-check report

    COVID Atlas checks multiple sources for the same data and reports inconsistencies. The most consistent and best-rated sources are displayed in COVID Atlas graphs and maps.

    The COVID Tracking Project1301095732918712684----
    JHU CSSE130431378684-----

    COVID Atlas is for informational purposes only and does not offer medical advice. Data quality and accuracy is subject to official sources; COVID Atlas does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of this data. For questions about the data, contact your local health officials.